Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I've been tagged! (me, Lynsie not Ken)

Five things on my to do list:
1. Run, ken and I made a goal that if we run every day except sundays, we get to reward ourselves with.....dun-dun-dun-dah..."Dan in Real Life" my favorite movie. And its not only my favorite just because I am obsessed with the office.
2. Find a job I can do at home (so I can be home with baby Luke)
3. Remember to water the seeds I planted in our flowerbed, and work on planting our first may just end up being spinach (someone gave us some seeds free) but it will still be really fun (I'm not really an experienced gardener...or flower planter)
4. Maybe finish one of the four or five books I am reading
5. I don't know there's a lot of stuff every day: dishes, laundry, dinner

Five things people don't know about me:
1. I love art
2. I love music (I sing and play the guitar)
3. I have an associates degree in professional preschool education (I bet you didn't know there was any such thing!)
4. I am a Jacob fan (from the twighlight books)
5. I have a serious addiction to chocolate :/

Five things that aren't my favorite:
1. Small little yapper dogs...sorry :/
2. Scary movies, sad movies, basically any movie that doesn't leave me feeling relatively happy!
3. The fact that Luke's teeth are all coming in at once, poor baby!
4. Cocroaches! When I stayed with Nicole in Florida I had my first encounter with them and they were huge!! One time there was one in the shower before I got in. Nicole smashed it with a spatula! She is so brave!!! Now whenver I even think about them I get chills.
5. I can't think of a good one, so.... Soft Apples

Five hilights of my life:
1. Getting married to Ken in the Manti Temple!
2. Having my baby Luke!
3. Going to BYU Idaho (I really love it there, awesome school)
4. Getting a beautiful Ibanez guitar on my 16th birthday
5. Growing up in a VERY beautiful spot - 97 Stillson Rd. McCleary, WA


Skeem's said...

Thank you, I loved reading it, your such a wonderful mother to little Luke sorry his head is getting too full of teeth:) Love you guys and can't wait to see you again.

The Frechette's said...

I love reading about you Lyns!! I agree about the soft apples :)
Way to go on your degree!!!
Love Ya

Jennie said...

that was so fun! i love "feel-good" movies too! how's the house sitting 6 kids going? :) love you and hope we'll see you after!

jEsSiCa said...

Darling Lynsie! I loved reading that! You are so sweet. Sorry I have been out of touch. Hope all is well, and I love your blog:) Tell Ken and little Lukie hello! Luvs!