Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For all you who keep tabs

Well, we are getting a little lazy with this whole blogging thing... greatly in part, because we havn't had internet since we've moved to Utah. So it looks like we will be making trips to the city library, and stealing onto other peoples computers here and there until the big day comes that we break down and pay for internet service. Yes we have moved, but things changed a bit... and we are actually in a house of our own, rather than renting a basement. We feel like we've been put under the looking glass as far as struggles, and testing of our will, but our Heavenly Father has truly been blessing us in so many ways and a lot of growth has come from this move, and time in our life.
Lynsie has been enjoying time with Luke(six months old now), but is finding him more and more of a handful each day. As he starts to scoot/roll his way arround everywhere, and take bites out of everything(with his four lower teeth newly come in). I(ken) have been plenty busy with night school, working several jobs, and just trying to make our future dreams a reality. I feel like a bit of a recluse. If anyone, friends or family are wondering "why the distance?" I wouldn't know were to begin... to try and explain our life's little situation. We love life and it's adventures, we hope we can be better at keeping you all involved with our's.
- Ken and Sheffield Family


Scotty and Michelle said...

Hey guys! I wanted to be the first to comment on your new post. I miss you guys so much. Our schedules just haven't been matching up lately and I feel bad. Having late church makes it hard to visit anybody on Sundays cause if we come up for dinner at my parents we don't get there till about five and then we don't eat until about six. We really want to see Luke and catch up with you guys so we'll have to plan a time to come over. And, we wanna see your house too. Man, life is picking up speed, isn't it? It feels like it never slows down the older we get. Not that we're old or anything. :)